A magazine about futures and housing in Portugal


Justo Custo é uma revista nascida da vontade de ouvir e compreender as dificuldades, os desejos, as necessidades e as experiências no setor da habitação em Portugal, e o que isto representa como desejos coletivos, como ténues sinais para possíveis futuros.

É uma abordagem curiosa e artesanal, um espaço de investigação, reflexão e imaginação comum, construído em torno das palavras daquelas e daqueles que imaginam e experimentam alternativas de habitação.

Justo Custo é uma construção concebida a partir de uma montagem de vários materiais, matérias-primas brutas e refinadas, recolhidas, recebidas, doadas ou emprestadas, que se desdobram num suporte físico, um objeto frágil num mundo ruidoso, mas que tenta ouvi-lo.

Cada número temático compõe uma paisagem arbitrária, produzida de forma iterativa: histórias verdadeiras e ficcionais, conversas, fotografias, dados, e até sons.

Através desta pluralidade de pontos de vista, Justo Custo aborda questões de equidade, de partilha de recursos e espaços (justo), e as consequências da sua mercantilização (custo).

Com a banda sonora original de BLOUZouki, um conto de Rachael McGill e duas obras de Emilie Faline.

Related works


Co-creation and design of the show "Mutirão" with Lagoa Colectivo at Culturgest

Mutirão is a show about houses, refugees, disasters and exile.

Mutirão is a collaborative artistic gathering designed to create a show for people of all ages, an open event taking place in a garden, as we build and dismantle a house-stage, recycling the waste products of the host institution. It is a hands-on artistic action-reflection, based on an interdisciplinary relationship between dance and architecture. The dancers also build the house and the audience are challenged to join in the work of this first collaborative creation of the Lagoa collective, inventing an aesthetics through their affective involvement in this communal building process.

In collaboration with Lagoa Coletivo. The show has been performed from 3 June to 1 July 2017 in Fundação CGD – Culturgest.


–      Lagoa Coletivo


–      Culturgest


–      2017

A New Planet

Spatial exploration and landscape regeneration in Andalusia

Vivre ici ?

A collective portrait of reasons for living in rural areas

Vivre ici ?

This series of photographs could have been called “rurality today”. But what we present here is more of a break out portrait than a uniform vision. During the weeks spent in Graignes-Mesnil Angot, we were struck by the multitude of reasons why the inhabitants live in this county and not elsewhere. With these “photographs of stories”, we have tried to capture the diversity of views expressed by people in the village. This is not a documentary review, but rather an “impressionist” reportage, progressing in a more or less coarse piecemeal fashion to compose an image of that diversity.

We began by collecting stories, memories and anecdotes related to places. By linking these to the pictures, we sought to reveal people’s knowledge and subjective experience of space, a kind of intimate and familiar geography, highlighting both forgotten practices and new uses.

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5 inhabitants

A Norman tale about what can happen when it snows

Song Line

An Australian tale about a geographical collapse