What we do

Services and Experience

Tools and Methodologies

ETC brings a new perspective to territories to reveal local strengths and opportunities.

Consulting & Advise

We jointly develop a more in-depth understanding of local dynamics in challenging contexts and share our vision that a crisis can be a time of opportunities, both for reworking ideas and for concerted creative thinking.

Learning & Evaluation

We set up participatory and learning-oriented evaluations to capitalize on past projects, support ongoing programs and guide future strategies and approaches.

Studies & Research

We develop short thematic studies or long comprehensive research in order to build a better understanding of a context’s specific features, inform decision-making and bring new perspectives to spatial-related issues.

Surveys & Mapping

We conduct surveys, using both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, and design interactive maps to help establish reference baselines, conduct in-depth diagnostics or evaluate project impacts.

Planning & Participation

We design and implement transparent and engaging participatory processes to ensure non-specialists’ knowledge and choices are incorporated into architectural, urban planning and development projects.

Exhibitions & Publications

We disseminate the technical and creative output from our studies through exhibitions, articles and books, both for specialist and general audiences.

Partners and Clients

NGOs and Aid Agencies

ETC advises international organizations to help them improve their understanding of urban systems and dynamics: conducting diagnoses and context studies; facilitating dialogue between aid agencies and the public sector, civil society, planning experts and professionals; incorporating cross-cutting and local issues into integrated projects.

Local Authorities

ETC supports public institutions on spatial development-related issues: defining goals, positioning, and specifications for ensuring effective collaboration with planning technicians and professionals; establishing participatory processes on development projects to build consensus and common understanding.

Civil Society

ETC assists local organizations in their discussions with technicians and other stakeholders: helping formulate and disseminate messages and expectations about planning projects; conducting advocacy work to ensure recognition of users and inhabitants’ knowledge and expertise; promoting social and spatial justice through participatory approaches.

Independent Partners

ETC forges partnerships with artists, residents and experts to build a network of collective knowledge on mutations and transformations within contemporary territories and new practices, and to develop independent multidisciplinary projects exploring singular territories.

Where we work

Territories affected by natural disasters / informal settlements / marginalized neighborhoods / peripheries / formal and informal camps / borders / remote rural areas /…

Our projects